Platinum Partner



  • ATC was founded in 2007 and was amongst some of the first Insurance Companies licensed by SAMA;
  • ATC is a specialist Life company – offering both Retail and Corporate programs;
  • ATC has a Paid-Up capital of SR 167m and a wide-ranging and specialist range of Founding Shareholders including local and international shareholding;
  • Profit and GWP Statistics 2014 vs 2013:
YEAR-END Variance %
SAR”000” 2014 2013
Profit 30,247 8,045 276%
GWP 251,562 140,192 79.4%
Assets 997,559 797,141


  • ATC by end of 2014 underwrites and insures in the range of 550,000 lives which places us at the lead when compared to local Life insurers in the market in this area as well as market leader in terms of GWP for the period;
  • The company is fully Shari’ah compliant and is subject to an annual Shari’ah audit on its compliance and application.
