John Gilbert
Hogan Lovells International LLP

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John Gilbert is a former partner at the international law firm, Hogan Lovells, where he now acts as a consultant specialising in legal and regulatory advice to friendly societies and other mutual insurers.

He has advised on many of the most significant transactions and regulatory issues affecting the mutual insurance sector in the UK over the last 25 years. Current work includes advising on a potential merger between two large mutual insurers, advising another mutual on the use of surplus capital and drafting the Mutuals’ Redeemable and Deferred Shares Bill, a measure currently going through the UK Parliament which will allow mutual insurers to raise additional capital to expand their businesses.

John is very excited by the synergies between mutual insurers and takaful providers and has been working with several interested parties on developing a possible Shariah-compliant insurance product using a UK mutual insurance society as a vehicle