Stefan M. Wasilewski
Managing Partner
FinaXiom-Shareef Services LLP


Stefan designed the ‘Contingent Capital’ product in 1994 as part of a range of new insurance and capital market instruments and has over 40 years experience of insurance broking, underwriting and capital markets industries. He has been involved as a senior director in the establishment of a number of new ventures in the general insurance and capital markets, advised Lloyd’s of London on their regulatory treatment of Alternative Risk Transfer (“ART”) products and headed Marsh/Bowring’s first ART department on the main Carpenter/Bowring Board.

He has created and presented new contingent capital products in a joint venture with Merrill Lynch, advised banks and corporations in risk financing and operational risk management. He recently implemented one of his insurance products, the Synergy ‘MicroCaptive™, which he started with Sir Mark Weinberg in 2006. Stefan is completing a PhD at Hull University in Complexity Economics and System Theory, having written numerous papers and articles on financial/operational risk as well as bringing the Contingent Capital product to market.